Health Care Pathway
​The Health Care Pathway is designed to align with our community’s health care needs and align with the strategic initiatives of Connecticut’s workforce development efforts, leveraging innovation to ease the strain on labor. In this first year (2025-2026) of the Pathway offering, we are pleased to offer a 4-year sequence that leads to a Medical Assisting Certificate. The Health Care Pathway will expand in subsequent years to include tiers that include Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) and other health care related professions.
Tier 1: Medical Assisting Certificate (MDAS-CC)
Updated: Feb 11, 2025
Tier 1: Medical Assisting Certificate
​Program Description: The Medical Assisting Certificate prepares students for entry level positions as multi-skilled practitioners, there are career positions available in medical offices, hospitals, hospice care, laboratories, ambulatory care centers, and more. The program provides the student the opportunity to acquire clinical and administrative knowledge and skills in the classroom, the laboratory, and during practicum/externship.
Learning Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of all program requirements, graduates will be able to:
Apply for a national medical assisting certification examination.
Perform all medical assisting skills at entry level competency.
Become a professional collaborative member of the health care team delivering safe quality care
Show respect, empathy, objectivity, and accuracy with written and verbal communication.
Model Course Progression:
Year One
Year Two​​
Year Three
Year Four
Fall Four
MDAS 2050 & MDAS 2050L - .5 HS Credits & 4 CT State Credits
Spring Four
MDAS 2045 - .5 HS Credits & 4 CT State Credits
Post-Graduate Summer Session​
MDAS 2095 - 4 CT State Credits
Total Credits = 4.5 HS credits & 31 CT State Credits​